ShenProfessional – A powerful and user-friendly software for Acupuncture, TCM, and Practice management. Get its license now with discount coupon up to 65% Off.
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ShenProfessional Review at a Glance
ShenProfessional includes a knowledge base that offers you an easy to use, comprehensive study of Chinese medicine. ShenProfessional contains over 500 sides of knowledge with helpful interactive hyperlinks and numerous illustrations. With ShenProfessional you are able to study the foundations of TCM, Chinese gynecology, and the Extraordinary Vessels in an interactive way.
ShenProfessional – with its huge database – actually provides help in diagnosing and treating your patient. The database contains more than 4000 symptoms and western diseases linked to TCM diagnoses, for developing an accurate TCM diagnoses. Root and branch diagnoses are included.
ShenProfessional contains 5 powerful work areas: Calendar, Patients, Billing, TCM Theory and TCM Tutorial. With the help of the Navigator, the most important functions of ShenProfessional can be reached with a click.
Key features of ShenProfessional
- TCM Theory for beginners and advanced
- Foundations of Chinese Medicine
- Extraordinary Vessels with special palpation diagnostics
- Fu Ke – Chinese gynecology
- Chinese Tongue diagnosis with tongue gallery
- Interactive hyperlink study
- Didactical useful
- TCM Tutorial – intelligent TCM Center
- Atlas of Acupuncture
- Acupuncture Charts with 4 anatomical layers
- Full-text search
- Point Search
- TCM Diagnoses with TCM Information
- Causes and treatment tips
- Root and branch
- Approved point combination
- Add own notes to Point Information and TCM Information
- Symptoms Catalogue with over 4000 entries
- Diseases of mainstream medicine with Chinese diagnosis
- Billing – flexible and reliable
- Create invoices with only a few clicks
- Bill procedures and products
- Customizable layout
- Edit invoice no
- Simple invoice, superbill
- For all healthcare professions
- Filter due billing (unpaid invoices)
- Print invoices with MS Word
- Edit billing codes and products
- Taxes optional
- Reminder
- Patient Management
- Address management
- Documentation of findings (SOAP) and treatments
- Save symptoms from symptoms catalog
- TCM diagnosis analysis with root and branch diagnosis
- Save acupuncture points used in a treatment
- Assign procedures and products to each appointment
- Create serial letters, invitations, newsletter, congratulatory letters etc.
- Interface to MS Word
- Numerous free fields for individual needs
- ShenProfessional’s Calendar
- Display today, 5-day week, 7-day week, month
- Schedule appointments with a double click
- Postpone appointments using drag and drop
- Print appointment reminder
- Mail appointment reminder
- Colorize appointments (e.g. use different colors for different rooms)
- Edit the time unit
- Edit starter time of the calendar
- Copy and paste appointments
- Add notes to appointments
- TCM diagnostics with Root and Branch
- TCM Information for each TCM diagnosis with symptoms, causes, treatment tips, root and branch and an approved point combination
- Symptoms catalog with more than 4000 symptoms, indications and Western medical diagnoses with accompanying TCM diagnostics.
- This is probably the world’s most detailed reference book.
- Save and diagnose your patients’ symptoms with the mouse.
- Diagnosis Analysis with the overview of involved organs and with special root and branch diagnosis.
- Sort options in the Diagnosis Analysis: Most frequent TCM diagnosis, most frequent root, most frequent branch
- Cross-linked access to TCM Information and Point Search by using the right mouse button
- Acupuncture and Point Search
- 409 Acupuncture Points with Extra Points
- 4 layer Acupuncture Charts
- Add own notes to Point information
- Full-text search
- Approved Point combination for each TCM Diagnosis
- Point Search for an effective treatment
- Document your treatment in Patient folder
- Display needling method
- Use drag and drop to save points in Patient folder
- Interface to MS Word
- Customize layout using all functions of MS Word
- Create address lists, labels, envelopes
- Automized integration of your practice data
- Always up to date
- Use all features of MS Word (e.g. filter options)
- Use free fields in Patient folder for additional individual information
- Create marketing material like coupons or congratulation letters
- Send emails or serial emails using MS Word
- Create pdf-files from MS Word
- ShenProfessional – a cross-linked system
- The cross-linked database of ShenProfessional allows a new kind of studies.
- It allows ways, comparable with a page-turner, which you don’t want to put away.
- Working with folders
- Open separately
- Open simultaneously
- Any arrangement
- Increase or decrease in size
- Full-screen mode
- Study several contents simultaneously
- Compare acupuncture points
- Study TCM Theory in full-screen mode
- Communication between folders
- Drag and drop symptoms or acupuncture points from TCM Tutorial to Patient folder
System requirements for ShenProfessional
- Windows XP, Vista, Win 7, 8 or 10.
- Mac users need additional software to run Windows (e.g. Parallels or VMWare).
Not sure if ShenProfessional does what you need? Try it out now. Please feel free to download ShenProfessional here. This chinese medicine knowledge-based software has been tested professionally and we are assured that no viruses, Trojans, adware or malware contained.
Buy Now
Buy ShenProfessional Now with 65% Off, plus you get these bonuses for free***:
Two Seat License ( worth: $ 395 )
Whether you are running an acupuncture or TCM practice or looking to setup one, I am willing to bet you use more than ONE computer? In fact, I know you do, as that was the most common feedback we received from clients like you. So we listened and you can use ShenProfessional on two systems without extra costs!
Voyager Function ( worth: $ 50 )
The latest breakthrough is called the Voyager Function, allowing you to start ShenProfessional directly from any USB device
-> A convenient and fast way to share patient data between two systems as everything is stored on the USB including your installation of ShenProfessional
-> Simply connect your USB device, copy or install ShenProfessional to the USB and start ShenProfessional from there.
-> And now use that USB in your practice and at your notebook or at home. You have access to the same data anywhere!
Network for Two ( worth $ 395 )
If you are running a network you will love this bonus: Simply adapt the pathes within ShenProfessional and you will have access to the same patient data on your systems.
No monthly fee
- 2个电脑的安装授权 (价值: $ 369 )
- “随身行”漫游功能 (价值: $ 50 )
- 网络共享2个点使用授权(价值 $ 369 )
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- Zwei Platz Lizenz ( Wert: € 589 )
- Voyager Funktion ( Wert: € 50 )
- Netzwerk für Zwei ( Wert: € 589 )
- Licencia para dos ( valor: 369 $)
- Función Voyager (valor: 50$)
- Red para dos (valor: 369$)
- Pague solamente $132.30
189$en lugar de 369$
- Duas Licenças instaladas (valor: US $ 369)
- Função Voyager (valor: US $ 50)
- Rede para Dois (valor: US $ 369)
- Pague apenas $132.30
$ 189em vez de US $ 369
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***for English version
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