66% Off on SecuPerts Identity Inspector (3 PCs) – The Best Warning System Against Data Theft – for Windows
Get alerts to data theft and effectively protects your online accounts from unauthorized use. Get SecuPerts Identity Inspector license that includes activation for 3 PCs, free updates & support with a 66% discount coupon!
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SecuPerts Identity Inspector Review at a Glance
This statement is true: “Secure passwords alone do not provide adequate protection against data theft.”
The reason: Cybercriminals and hackers often steal login credentials (including your passwords) directly from companies – and you do not influence their IT security. And the successful data clauses on Web.de, Facebook, and Dropbox show that such attacks all too often succeed.
There is a way to protect yourself from such cases: With the Secuperts Identity Inspector. The software immediately alerts you to data theft and effectively protects your online accounts from unauthorized use. Get the optimal supplement to every password manager and virus protection program!
Because you have to act immediately!
In case of data theft every second counts. Often users use the same password for several accounts. If an account is cracked, all other accounts are immediately endangered. Then there is little time for changing your passwords, otherwise, great losses can occur.
When data are stolen, every second counts: This is because it often happens that a user has the same password and email address for several accounts.
For instance, if data thieves got hold of the email provider’s login details – as happened to Web.de and GMX in 2014 – it’s only a matter of time until they find out which online accounts they can register for using the access details they have acquired. >> This means that there is little time left to change all the passwords before major damage can be caused.
Identity Inspector carries out 6 checks a day: Use Identity Inspector to determine whether your login details and passwords have been hacked. Every four hours, the tool compares your email addresses with the databases that list all the email addresses which have been hacked. >> When a match is found, you are alerted immediately so that you can respond.
Information about all portals: You can obtain information about the current security situation via Identity Inspector. This includes news and guides about hacking incidents and the latest data leaks. For example, you can see the number of websites and accounts affected by the hacking. This enables you to easily identify portals that have been affected and avoid them.
Key Features
How the Identity Inspector protects you
- Every four hours – i.e. 6 times a day and thus almost in real-time – the tool compares your e-mail addresses with the databases that list all hacked e-mail addresses, passwords, and affected companies.
- If there is a match, you will be alerted immediately.
- You receive all relevant information and can react immediately.
To run #THE SOFTWARE with optimum reliability and performance, your system should match the following requirements:
- Windows 10, Windows 7 oder Windows 8 (either 32- or 64-bit)
- at least 1 Gigabyte RAM
- .NET 4.6.2 Framework (will be installed automatically if needed)
- A connection to the internet is required while using the software.
Not sure if #THE SOFTWARE does what you need? Try it out now. Please feel free to download SecuPerts Identity Inspector here. This data theft warning system by Engelmann has been tested professionally and we are assured that no viruses, Trojans, adware, or malware are contained.
WindowsBuy Now
SecuPerts Identity Inspector retails for €19.99/1 PC, But, through our website, THE Software Shop, you can get a SecuPerts Identity Inspector license with our exclusive discount of up to 66% OFF! This offer is available for a limited time!

- Save 66.67% (Compared to 1 Devices X 3)
- Use the full features of the software for 1 year on 3 Devices
- Free Software updates
- Free Technical Support by Engelmann
- 30-day money-back Guarantee
Platform: Windows

- Use the full features of the software for 1 year on 1 Device
- Free Software updates
- Free Technical Support by Engelmann
- 30-day money-back Guarantee
Platform: Windows
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