Capture, edit and share anything on your screen as screenshots or videos. Get Ashampoo Snap 11 full version with a lifetime license key for FREE!

Ashampoo Snap 11 makes it possible to easily capture everything happening on your screen. It doesn’t matter whether you only want to take a screenshot or capture an entire video. Comprehensive post production capabilities make it possible to perfectly prepare content for every project.
Whether you record videos, create your own tutorials or simply seek to share what you see with others, Ashampoo Snap 11’s versatile tools have got you covered. But despite its rich feature set, the program only takes center stage when it’s needed. Smart convenience functions, like multi-lingual text recognition, automatic numbering or in-place image editing, will save you considerable time and effort.
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Ashampoo Snap 16: Perpetual License
Ashampoo Snap 11 Giveaway
Get Ashampoo Sanp 11 (worth $39.99) full version with a lifetime license key for free in today’s software giveaway!
To get this software for free:
- Click on the checked BUY NOW button above and you will go to the deal page of Ashampoo Snap.
- On the deal page, open the Software Giveaway tab on the BUY NOW section
- Enter your email address to unlock the offering box that contains the hints to get the software for free
- Read the HINTS on the offering box for the next instruction
- Done. Enjoy the full features!
Installation & Registration: The installation and registration process itself is very easy – in the first step of the installation wizard, all you have to do is agree to the license terms and then go through the installation wizard in the standard way. In the last step, a computer restart may be required. Immediately after the first start, enter your valid e-mail address in the displayed activation window. If you have already activated an Ashampoo program via this email address, just enter the login password for your account in the next step. Otherwise, you will be prompted to enter a new password to create a new account. You will then need to confirm it by clicking on the »Click here to confirm« button in the sent activation e-mail message. Only then will the account and program activation be completed and Burning Studio will begin.
License: A full version of the Ashampoo Snap 11 program is ready FREE for our customers & readers. The giveaway license is for one non-commercial computer and may not be redistributed or sold.