80% Off: LoginPress Pro Agency Plan (Lifetime Subscription) – The #1 Login Management Plugin – for WordPress
Easily secure, rebrand, and customize your login pages for WordPress Site. Get Lifetime Access to LoginPress Pro Agency Plan at an 80% discount!
Save Up to 80% | Lifetime Access | 30-day Money-back Guarantee | Secure Payment | 24×7 Customer Support
LoginPress Pro Review at a Glance
WordPress peeps — do you find yourself worrying about security? I know I do. Because everyone’s WordPress login page URL comes standard, it makes it A LOT easier for hackers to find your site and try to get in. What if I told you that you can soup up your sites’ security while ALSO making your login page branded and customizable? You’d be into that, right? Stay tuned because that is EXACTLY what LoginPress Pro is all about. How’s it hanging?
LoginPress Pro is a professional WordPress plugin that allows you to rebrand and secure your login pages without having to hire a developer. This WordPress Login Plugin helps you take your login pages to the next level with beautiful customization and added security.
Users encounter login pages more often than you’d think, and LoginPress gives you endless ways to stand out — adjust the sizes, colors, and content of login logos, backgrounds, and buttons, or use slick pre-made templates.
LoginPress lets you make and preview changes with a simple plugin that requires no coding skills. Because it’s not enough to just be pretty, LoginPress comes with an amazing collection of add-ons designed for ease of use and security.
You’ll be able to generate and manage unique URLs, use Google ReCaptcha, let users sign in with their social credentials, track and limit login attempts, and customize login page URLs.
How LoginPress Pro Works
Let me show you how to use it: Once you add the LoginPress plugin to your WordPress site and activate your Pro account, head on over to the ‘Customize’ page. From there, you can see that you have a full functioning editor where you can choose from any of the pre-built themes and customize it by adding your business logo, font, background image, and more! Here, you can also adjust the messaging of your Welcome and Error screens and add a Google ReCaptcha for added security. Once you hit ‘Publish’, your beautiful new login page is live! But wait, there’s still so much more you can do with Login press.
Head on over to the Settings page. There, you’ll see a host of add-on features. Using the Social Logins addon, you can let your users register and log into your WordPress site using their Facebook, Google, or Twitter credentials.
With AutoLogin, you can create a unique login address for a user without giving them a password to enter your site. Here’s how it works: Let’s say you’re working with a guest blogger and want to give them temporary access to write a post. With LoginPress Pro, you can auto-generate login links and disable them whenever you need to! You can also track and limit login attempts for each user, giving you more control and your site additional protection.
Talk about cybersecurity! LoginPress Pro also lets you create login redirects for users based on their roles. For example, when that same guest blogger logs in, they can be taken directly to the Posts section of your site so they can get right where they need to be.
Remember how I said earlier that all WordPress sites follow the same login URL path? With LoginPress Pro, you can change the login URL to anything you want, making it that much harder for someone to find your page and break-in.
So if you’re ready to put beef up your WordPress security detail AND create a beautifully branded login page for your site, then you’re going to want to check out LoginPress Pro.
Key Features of LoginPress Pro:
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- Pre-Designed login templates – Dozen of the pretty cool templates that can be implemented on the login page.
- Google reCAPTCHA – Protect your website from spam and abuse while letting real people pass through with ease.
- Custome login error messages – Change every error message that user will get depending on the outcome of login attempts, registration attempts or forget attempts. So it’s a really really creative.
- Google Fonts – Tons of the Google font that can be implemented on the login page.
- Your logo on login screen – Identify your site by changing the default WordPress logo on your login page with LoginPress.
- Login page background – Choose login page background from gallery or add your favorite images at the background. You can add plain background colors as well.
- Social Login – Fully customizable and seamlessly integrates with your existing login/registration system so that your users don’t have to start from scratch.
- Buttons beauty – Customize the actual login form button. Set its color, width, height, radius, shadow, padding, border, hover and many more properties.
- Login form style – Customize the actual login form. Set its background, color, width, height, radius, shadow, padding, border, hover and many more properties.
- Custom welcome messages – Change every welcome message that user will get depending on the login form, registration form, forget form, logout form or reset password form as well.
- Add login page footer – Call login page footer area under the login form fields.
- Custom CSS & JS – Customize login page in a more advanced way. that recommended for advanced users.
- Save, Import & Export settings – Save designed login screen layouts and import the settings to easily re-used on different websites.
To run LoginPress Pro with optimum reliability and performance, your system should match the following requirements:
- Website with WordPress Platform
- WordPress Version:4.0 or higher
- LoginPress Pro is a premium plugin which works if you have installed Free version already. So, first install LoginPress Free version and then install the Pro package.
LoginPress Free Download
Not sure if LoginPress Pro does what you need? Try it out now. Please feel free to download LoginPress Free here. This Login Page WordPress Plugin by WPBrigade has been tested professionally and we are assured that no viruses, Trojans, adware, or malware are contained.
WordpressBuy Now
LoginPress Pro retails for $199/year, But, through our website, THE Software Shop, you can get a Lifetime Access to LoginPress Pro Agency Plan with a 80% discount. This offer is available for a limited time!

- Lifetime Access to Agency Plan with Unlimited Sites
- Lifetime Support
- Lifetime Update
- Priority Support
- Unlimited Sites
- All LoginPress Add-Ons for free:
- Auto Login: Generates unique URL
- Limit Login attempts: Track login attempts by user
- Login integration with social networks
- Login Redirect: Redirect users on username/role based
- Login Widget: Used in sidebar
- Hide/Rename Login: Customize login page URL
- All Future addons/features
- Enable/Disable Background Video
- Advanced Custom CSS/JS
- Import/Export your plugin settings
- 20 Pre-designed login page templates
- Google reCaptcha & Google Fonts integrations
- Customizable error messages
- All future plan updates including addons/features
- 30-day Money-back Guarantee
Platform: WordPress

- 1-Year Access to Agency Plan
- 1 Year of Support
- 1 Year of Update
- Priority Support
- Unlimited Sites
- All LoginPress Add-Ons for free:
- Auto Login: Generates unique URL
- Limit Login attempts: Track login attempts by user
- Login integration with social networks
- Login Redirect: Redirect users on username/role based
- Login Widget: Used in sidebar
- Hide/Rename Login: Customize login page URL
- All Future addons/features
- Enable/Disable Background Video
- Advanced Custom CSS/JS
- Import/Export your plugin settings
- 20 Pre-designed login page templates
- Google reCaptcha & Google Fonts integrations
- Customizable error messages
- All future plan updates including addons/features
- 30-day Money-back Guarantee
Platform: WordPress

- 1-Year Access to Startup Plan
- 1 Year of Support
- 1 Year of Updates
- General Support
- 1 Site
- All LoginPress Add-Ons for free:
- Auto Login: Generates unique URL
- Limit Login attempts: Track login attempts by user
- Login integration with social networks
- Login Redirect: Redirect users on username/role based
- Login Widget: Used in sidebar
- Hide/Rename Login: Customize login page URL
- All Future addons/features
- Enable/Disable Background Video
- Advanced Custom CSS/JS
- Import/Export your plugin settings
- 20 Pre-designed login page templates
- Google reCaptcha & Google Fonts integrations
- Customizable error messages
- All future plan updates including addons/features
- 30-day Money-back Guarantee
Platform: WordPress

- 1-Year Access to Agency Plan with Unlimited Sites
- 1 Year of Support
- 1 Year of Updates
- General Support
- 1 Site
All LoginPress Add-Ons for free:Auto Login: Generates unique URLLimit Login attempts: Track login attempts by userLogin integration with social networksLogin Redirect: Redirect users on username/role basedLogin Widget: Used in sidebarHide/Rename Login: Customize login page URLAll Future addons/features
- Enable/Disable Background Video
- Advanced Custom CSS/JS
- Import/Export your plugin settings
- 20 Pre-designed login page templates
- Google reCaptcha & Google Fonts integrations
- Customizable error messages
- All future plan updates
- 30-day Money-back Guarantee
Platform: WordPress
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User & Media Reviews
What are their users saying about LoginPress Pro AppSumo Lifetime Deal? Why they loved it?
I’d downloaded this before and liked it, but unlike many here who are running businesses, I don’t make sites for money and so I have to be careful with my cash, but this felt like a no-brainer for me because it brings value and quality, and solves so challenges I face regularly. Bought two codes so I can make use of it anywhere, and am very happy with the options, and don’t care about having to add other plug-ins because I can just load the features I want depending on what the site needs.
Been actually looking for something like this. The deal was a no brainer to buy 2 codes for the agency plan. Freaking awesome!. Very easy to customize using the WP customizer which we’re all familiar with anyways. Can easily add yo
If you create sites for clients, you should definitely grab this. Great deal. Thanks LoginPress and AppSumo 🙂
PS. Can’t wait for 2FA.
LoginPress is a high quality app that provides more than eye candy. There is also some very cool functionality built in, with more to come.
That said…
The ‘eye candy’ aspect of this plugin is going to cause your clients to see you in a completely different light. It will help make you look more professional all the way around.
For the small amount being asked, this is a no brainer. It’s a great plugin. If you’re a great designer, you want this.
I purchased 2 codes. Great deal. I really like all the different customization choices that come with this deal and being able to use it in an unlimited capability is really great for the price.
Areas of improvement:
One thing I would like to add is that their website is not totally mobile-friendly. I was unable to add my second code from my phone and was forced to do it from a laptop (instead of with my Pixel 3 XL that’s fully updated).
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