Premoum Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard with a large number of components, designed to look neat and organized. Get Paper Dashboard 2 PRO license with 30% Off Coupon.
30% Off Coupon | 30-day Money-back Guarantee | Lifetime Access | Secure Payment | Premium Support
Paper Dashboard 2 PRO Review at a Glance
Paper Dashboard 2 PRO is a beautiful Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard with a large number of components, designed to look neat and organized. If you are looking for a tool to manage and visualize data about your business, this dashboard is the thing for you. It combines colors that are easy on the eye, spacious cards, beautiful typography, and graphics.
Paper Dashboard 2 PRO comes packed with all plugins that you might need inside a project and documentation on how to get started. It is light and easy to use, and also very powerful. Inside the archive, you will also find multiple example pages to get you start or provide inspiration.
Bootstrap 4 support Paper Dashboard 2 PRO is build on top of Bootstrap 4, so it fully supports it. Most of the elements from the dashboard are re-designed to resemble sheets of paper and color pastels. If they are elements that we have not touched, they will gracefully fall back to the Bootstrap 4 default.
Key Features of Paper Dashboard 2 PRO:
- 160 Handcrafted Components
- Badge
- Breadcrumb
- Buttons
- Card
- Collapse
- Colors
- Dropdowns
- Forms
- Google Maps
- Modal
- Navs
- Nucleo Icons
- Navbar
- Pagination
- Popovers
- Progress
- Tables
- Tooltips
- Typography
- And More
- 13 Customized Plugins
- DateTimePicker
- FullCalendar
- Bootstrap Switch
- Perfect Scrollbar
- jVector Map
- Sweet Alert 2
- Chart.js
- jQuery Validation
- FileUpload Jasny
- jQuery Tags input
- Select Bootstrap
- Sliders
- Bootstrap Notify
- Bootstrap Wizard
- 24 Example Pages
- Login, Register, Pricing, Lock Pages
- DataTables, VectorMap, SweetAlert, Wizard, jquery validation, Full Calendar etc…
- Mini Sidebar
- Bootstrap Based
- SASS Files
- Photoshop Files
- Documentation
- Fully Responsive
- Premium Support
- Lifetime Updates
Demo & Trial
Not sure if Paper Dashboard 2 PRO does what you need? Try it out now. Please feel free to download Paper Dashboard 2 PRO here. Paper Dashboard 2 PRO by Creative Tim has been tested professionally and we are assured that no viruses, Trojans, adware or malware contained.
Live DemoDownload Free Version
Buy Now
Paper Dashboard 2 PRO retails for $39.00, But, on our website, THE Software Shop, you can save on your purchase of its license key with 30 discount coupon code. This offer is available for a limited time!
HTML Archive, Personal License
- HTML Archive
- Personal & Non-Commercial
- Lifetime Updates
- Premium Support
*30-day Money-Back Guarantee
HTML+PSD Archive, Personal License
- HTML Archive + PSD Files
- Personal & Non-Commercial
- Lifetime Updates
- Premium Support
*30-day Money-Back Guarantee
Personal License: Good for personal websites, school projects, startups or any other project where your users will not be charged for using it. Create one single website/app for one client.
HTML Archive, Developer License
- HTML Archive
- Commercial use allowed
- Lifetime Updates
- Premium Support
*30-day Money-Back Guarantee
HTML+PSD Archive, Developer License
- HTML Archive + PSD Files
- Commercial use allowed
- Lifetime Updates
- Premium Support
*30-day Money-Back Guarantee
Developer License: Good for business projects, multiple websites for clients or for creating themes where your users will be charged for using it. Create multiple websites/apps for multiple clients.
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