25% Discount on Material Bootstrap PRO – Limitless Beautiful Premium Components – Free Gift: Blog & Landing Page Template
Simply perfect design with the limitless beautiful premium components, pages & sections examples, starter templates, etc. Get Material Bootstrap PRO with 25% Off coupon and get 2 bootstrap templates for free ($58 value)
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Material Bootstrap PRO Review at a Glance
Material Bootstrap PRO is a perfect UI framework package that implements Google Material Design for Bootstrap. If you like to use a beautiful material design and at the time want to do it easily then Material Bootstrap is just the perfect solution for you.
This Material Bootstrap Framework Package is a lot of beautiful components, sections, templates so you can very easily create beautiful and powerful websites and applications with High-quality Semi-Material design for Bootstrap. UI framework for building powerful and beautiful websites and apps.
Free demo version is a good opportunity to test Material Bootstrap. It contains the basic components. And Material Bootstrap PRO version contains limitless premium components, premium sections examples, starter templates, premium support.
Key Features of Material Bootstrap PRO:
- Premium Components – The main condition for a successful and beautiful development is the use of beautiful and hard materials. Get limitless beautiful premium components.
- Free Gifts – With MB Pro you get templates completely free.
- Section Examples – Sections examples and templates to demonstrate how much beautiful and easy to develop with MB and to keep your time.
- Premium Support – The most important thing for us is satisfied customers and we will help all our customers with any question.
- Source FILES – With SASS files, you can change all components within a few seconds.
- Content
- Typography
- Code
- Icons
- Images
- Tables
- Figures
- Overlays
- Zoom effect
- Forms
- Text inputs
- Bootstrap inputs
- Autocomplete
- Input group
- Checkboxes
- Radio Buttons
- Switches
- Select
- Chips
- Components
- Alerts
- Badge
- Breadcrumb
- Buttons
- Button groups
- Card
- Carousel
- Collapse
- Dropdowns
- List group
- Media object
- Modal
- Navs, tabs & pills
- Navbar
- Pagination
- Popovers
- Progress
- Scrollspy
- Smooth Scroll
- Sidenav
- Tooltips
- Waves effect
- Utilities
- Borders
- Clearfix
- Close icon
- Colors
- Display
- Embed
- Flex
- Float
- Image replacement
- Position
- Screenreaders
- Shadows
- Sizing
- Spacing
- Text
- Vertical alignment
- Visibility
Free Demo
Not sure if Material Bootstrap PRO does what you need? Try it out now. Please feel free to download Material Bootstrap PRO Demo here. This Material Bootstrap Framework Package by mbootstrap.com has been tested professionally and we are assured that no viruses, Trojans, adware or malware contained.
Free demo version is a good opportunity to test Material Bootstrap. The free version includes only the basic components and there is no support. For real projects, we strongly recommend using Pro version.
Buy Now
Material Bootstrap PRO retails for $79, But, on our website, THE Software Shop, you can save on your purchase of its license key with 25% discount coupon code. This offer is available for a limited time!

- Full package
- Premium Support
- Free access to future updates
Commerical licenseMultiple projects
A personal license gives you the opportunity to use the digital product you bought in one final product (personal or for the customer is not important) for which end users do not charge a fee. This means you can not use this license to create commercial projects, SaaS application, etc. For all templates (which you get with Material Bootstrap) you also get a personal license.

- Full package
- Premium Support
- Free access to future updates
- Commerical license
- Multiple projects
The developer license gives you the opportunity to use the digital product that you bought in an unlimited number of personal projects (personal or for the customer is not important). This license you can use in one end commercial project. For all templates (which you get with Material Bootstrap) you also get a developer license.

- Full package
- Premium Support
- Free access to future updates
- Commerical license
- Multiple projects
- The end products may be sold
The extended license gives you all the features that are in the developer license plus the end products can be sold. This license gives you all the possibilities that are allowed to use our products. For all templates (which you get with Material Bootstrap) you also get an extended license. The current price for this license is very low
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– All prices shown here are in listed USD (United States Dollar). Your local currency will be converted automatically, You can also switch to any other currencies during the checkout process.
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