Quadravox is a unique composition tool designed to inspire songwriting, stack harmonies, widen instruments and offers creative innovative rhythmic sequences.
For a limited time, QUADRAVOX – Eventide 4-voice diatonic pitch shifter is being offered 100% FREE! This exclusive freebie is available to new and old Audio Plugin Deals customers.
A unique composition tool, QUADRAVOX can generate up to four voices based on chosen key and timing interval. Each of the four voices can be independently manipulated by level, panning, delay time with feedback and pitch. Stack harmonies, widen instruments, and create innovative rhythmic sequences with more than 60 presets.
QUADRAVOX is compatible with Mac or PC in AAX, VST and AU formats. Normally $99, QUADRAVOX is available for free until October 29th.
9Total Score
Unique Notation Grid presents pitches on a traditional music staff with a quantized grid for placing notes over time allowing for a more musical programming experience. Color and brightness indicate pan and level for each voice.
Optimized for multiple instances and works great on monophonic synths, guitar and vocals
MixLock keeps the wet/dry mix of the effect static as you scroll through presets or user-defined snapshots. KeyLock does the same for the Key and Sca
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100% Off QUADRAVOX – Free Download – Amazing 4 Voice Pitch Shifting Harmonizer Plugin by Eventide