100% Software Giveaway: GooPatient Family 3 (Free Full Version) – A Simple Personal Health Records Software – for Windows
A simple app that allows you to take better care of your Health and your Family. Get GooPatient Family 3 Full version for free.
GooPatient Family Review at a Glance
GooPatient Family is a very useful app for those suffering from some medical condition and has to keep track of their health on regular basis. With this, you no longer have to explain your medical conditions again and again. This can also be of great help in cases of emergency or illness when you cannot explain your medical conditions on your own. It is a great software for PC, but the android app needs a lot of work to come up to the mark.
GooPatient Family helps anyone make their medical records in the best way. You can use hashtags to indicate the most important features (they are highlighted) and organize records under categories or link them to the conditions you are suffering from. There is a journal for you to add notes about symptoms, diagnosis results, and treatments. You can print an emergency card and hand it to your doctor, which is essential especially for those with allergies.
Key Features of GooPatient Family:
- Electronic Medical Card – Age, blood type, conditions, allergies, immunizations, insurance policies, etc.
- Health Journal – Health records in the most natural way. Using hashtags like in Twitter you can easily organise records and link them to conditions, doctors, treatments, etc.
- Emergency Card – Especially needed for kids, people with allergies, epilepsy, chronic diseases (like diabetes) or specific conditions (like pregnancy), elderly people with memory problems.
- Password protection – You can set a password so that nobody could access it.
- Create Multiple Profiles – If you have someone, that you taking care about (baby, grandparents or even your cat), you can create health profiles for all them.
- Better data security – Unlike most cloud services, Goopatient keeps all your medical information on your computer and phone.
- Mobile version – You can sync the mobile and destop versions via USB or using cloud file sharing apps like Dropbox.
To run GooPatient Family with optimum reliability and performance, your system should match the following requirements:
System Requirements for Windows OS:
- Supported OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10
System Requirements for Mac OS:
GooPatient Family Download
Not sure if GooPatient Family does what you need? Try it out now. Please feel free to download GooPatient Free for Windows here. This medical control software has been tested professionally and we are assured that no viruses, Trojans, adware or malware are contained.
WindowsBuy Now
GooPatient Family retails for $19.95, But, on our website, The Software Shop, you can get the full licensed software for free in the Giveaway tab below. This offer is available for a limited time!
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