[NEW KEY] Software Giveaway – Lopesoft FileMenu Tools 8: Free License Key | Windows Context Menu Customizer & Manager – for Windows
Add your own items and shortcuts into Windows Explorer Context Menu to improve your workflow and productivity. Get Lopesoft FileMenu Tools 8 full version with a license key for free!
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Lopesoft FileMenu Tools Review at a Glance
Do you miss the ability to simply copy file paths, synchronize two folders, keep track of file sizes, split a large file into a number of smaller files, have the option to rename multiple files at once by your own template? FileMenu Tools is a collection of smart tools added to the right-click menu in the context menu for files, folders, and drives.
Extend and simplify Windows functionality such as smarter renaming and deleting folder synchronization, and percent visualization of data usage on disks and folders. The inconspicuous menu hides a large number of handy applications that make your Windows experience easier.
Lopesoft FileMenu Tools is a handy program that can easily set or expand the Windows Explorer context menu. It can also program its own larger functions. FileMenu Tools lets you customize the context menu which is displayed when you click with the right button of the mouse over Windows Explorer, My Computer or Desktop.
Key Features of Lopesoft FileMenu Tools:
- Sync Folders – The synchronization type (unidirectional, bidirectional, etc.) and the file types to be synchronized may be specified.
- Extended Delete – Recursively delete specific file types from a folder. The file types may be specified with wildcards, for example: *.txt, *.t??, etc.
- Find and Replace – Find and replace a text string in all selected files. Regular expressions are supported.
- Advanced Renamer – Rename all selected elements according to specified rules.
- Delete Locked File – Delete files which are locked by any application and cannot be deleted normally.
- Delete Permanently – Delete the selected elements WITHOUT moving them to the Recycle Bin.
- Change Icon – Change the icon assigned to the selected folder.
- Run With Arguments – Run a program with parameters typed in a dialog box.
- Command Line From Here – Open a command line window in the selected folder.
- Attributes – Display a submenu which lets you change the attributes of the selected elements. If a folder is selected, it is possible to change the attributes recursively.
- Split File – Split the selected file into multiple parts.
- Join Files – Join parts of a file which were previously split.
- Copy To – Copy the selected elements to another folder. Filters may be specified in order to copy specific file types.
- Move To – Move the selected elements to another folder. Filters may be specified in order to move specific file types.
- Copy Name – Copy the name of the all selected elements to the clipboard.
- Copy Path – Copy the paths of the all selected elements to the clipboard.
- Copy UNC Path – Copy the paths of the all selected elements in UNC format (\\machine\SharedResource\Path) to the clipboard.
- Copy Internet Path – Copy the paths of the all selected elements in Internet format (file:///Path) to the clipboard.
- Copy Content – Copy the content of the selected element to the clipboard. If a folder is selected, all element names in that the folder will be copied.
- Paste Clipboard – Appends the clipboard contents into the selected elements. If a folder is selected, then a file will be created in that folder with the clipboard contents.
- Change Time – Change TimeChange the creation time, the last access time and/or the last modified time of the selected elements. If a folder is selected, it is possible to change the time recursively into subfolders.
- Size of Folders – Display the size of the folders.
- Register DLL – Register a DLL in Windows.
- Unregister DLL – Unregister a DLL.
- Create New Folder – Create a new folder in the selected folder.
- Send to Mail Recipient – Send an e-mail with the selected elements as attachments.
- Shred Files – Shred the selected files so it is impossible to recover the files with recovery tools.
- Duplicate Files – Create a new copy of the selected elements in the current folder.
- Pack To Folder – Create a new subfolder in the current folder and move all the selected elements into this subfolder.
- Unpack Folder – Move all the elements in the selected folders into the parent folder, then delete these empty folders.
- Select – Select elements in Windows File Explorer by their type. This utility does not work in Windows 7 or later.
- Create Symbolic Link – Create a symbolic link which is referenced to the selected element. It only works in Windows Vista or later.
- Calculate and Verify Checksum – Calculate and verify the checksums of the selected elements. By calculating the checksum of a file, you can verify if the file has been modified.
- Delete Empty Folders – Recursively delete folders which do not contain files.
To run #THE SOFTWARE with optimum reliability and performance, your system should match the following requirements:
- Supported OS: Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
LopeSoft FileMenu Tools Download
Not sure if #THE SOFTWARE does what you need? Try it out now. Please feel free to download Lopesoft FileMenu Tools trial here. This Windows Explorer Context Menu customizer by Lopesoft has been tested professionally and we are assured that no viruses, Trojans, adware or malware are contained.
Buy Now
Lopesoft FileMenu Tools retails for $9.99, But, through our website, THE Software Shop, you can get Lopesoft FileMenu Tools 8 full version with a license key for free in the Giveaway tab below. This offer is available for a limited time!
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