We’re bringing back our popular Wise Care 365 Pro Giveaway just in time. Now you can get Wise Care 365 Pro v7.2 full version with a licensed software giveaway for free!

Windows is a great operating system, but it’s not perfect. It can slow down over time and sometimes even crash. Wise Care 365 Pro is an all-in-one Windows utility that clean, optimize, and slim down your PC for faster booting. With its one click optimization feature you’ll be able to keep your computer running smoothly without any hassle.
Between all the PC optimizers, Registry cleaners, and disks sweepers, it becomes time-consuming to switch between different utilities to refresh your system. With Wise Care 365 Pro, you can run all of those functions from one convenient command center. A regular favorite with our editors and users, Wise Care 365 Pro contains a plethora of tools beyond the usual optimizing utilities. An all-in-one utility, Wise Care 365 Pro will clean, optimize, and slim down your PC for faster booting.
Special Offers
Before you go to the giveaway here, please pay attention to the following special offers
Wise Care 365 PRO: Lifetime Upgrade License, 3 PCs BEST PRODUCT
IObit Uninstaller 14 PRO With Super Value Pack! BEST PRODUCT
DriverMax PRO: Lifetime License BEST PRODUCT
Miliefsky Antivirus BEST OFFER
UpdateStar Drivers 11 BEST PRODUCT
Wise Care 365 Pro Full Version Giveaway
We’re bringing back our popular Wise Care 365 Pro Giveaway just in time for today. Now you can get the full version of Wise Care 365 Pro 7.2 for free of charge, off the regular price of $69.95.
- Click the “GET NOW” button above to visit the deal page.
- On the deal page, navigate to the “BUY NOW” section and open the “GIVEAWAY” tab.
- In the giveaway tab, simply enter your email to receive the full version of the software.
- Take note of the hints in the Offering box that will appear after you enter the giveaway.
Wise Care 365 Pro is available for $69.95/lifetime, but today you can get Wise Care 365 Pro 7.0 full version for FREE!
This is a wrong version the version you got on offer is v5.2.8 and not v5.2.9!
Thanks for the report. but now v5.2.9 is live. enjoy!
Today is August 28, 2021
This version is an OLD version 5.8.1
Current version is 5.8.4
you can get the latest version with a lifetime license that includes lifetime updates & support at a 81% Discount here:
V5.8.1 is the most recent version issued for the giveaway program.
If there is a latest one we will update again.